Selecting a stock for study is an important decision. You want an experienced company that's big enough to provide fundamental numbers for five years to begin with. That's right - no IPO's or just-on-the-scene CNBC plays for our hard-earned cash.
If you want to get rich quick join a church and get active in its community.
The study of finance and equity investments is for those who build for their future. That should be a all inclusive group. Just a thought.
You Can Do This.Your individual attention and time to look for answers to your questions is necessary.
My philosophy is to buy a Good Company at a Good price, and to sell when changes in fundamenals reveal that my expectations may not be met. On this site, I will provide information about how I believe that may be accomplished. I hope to describe the different things to think about as you study and review topics. I hope you'll find the information you need, and I look forward to reading your e-mail response to the ideas on the site.